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Côte d’Ivoire : Interpeace et le gouvernement vont encore davantage collaborer

25 octobre, 2022
Est. Reading: 2 minutes

Côte d'Ivoire is not spared from external threats and the dynamics of regional and global conflict. These further destabilise the already fragile social fabric and endanger the government's achievements in security and economic development.

Over the last few decades, Côte d'Ivoire has itself been marked by socio-political crises and regular cycles of violence that have profoundly affected the lives of Ivorians, the way they live together and social cohesion.

Threats linked to armed groups at the country's doorstep call for the strengthening of the internal social fabric to prevent any risk of tipping over. It is usual for these groups to exploit the cracks and fissures caused by various factors to act.

Pour contribuer aux efforts menés auprès de la société ivoirienne, Interpeace, qui est présent dans le pays depuis 2012, a signé le 21 octobre dernier une convention de partenariat avec le ministre de la réconciliation et de la cohésion sociale. Cet accord vise à renforcer la consolidation de la paix, la réconciliation et la cohésion nationale dans le pays côtier.

Les deux partenaires s’engagent à travailler de concert dans la recherche et le financement d’opportunités de collaboration responsables et bénéfiques pour atteindre ces objectifs. Résolu à coopérer étroitement, le ministère assurera le leadership politique, le pilotage et la coordination des projets d’Interpeace, notamment dans le cadre de l’actuel Project to prevent political violence and strengthen social cohesion through dialogue and citizen collaboration in Côte d'Ivoire (PREDIA).

For its part, Interpeace will provide technical and methodological support to inclusive dialogue in all regions of the country, capitalising on lessons learned from conflict prevention mechanisms set up in cooperation with its local partner, Indigo Côte d'Ivoire, and targeting in particular women and youth. The organisation will also support local prevention and reconciliation committees and actively participate in the elaboration of strategies at the technical and political level adapted to Ivorian peacebuilding priorities, with a view to building sustainable peace and contributing to the strengthening of social cohesion.

"We are very pleased to engage in this partnership with the Ministry of Reconciliation and Social Cohesion," says Interpeace's West Africa programme representative Alessia Polidoro. "The methodological rigour of our approach, the diversified experience of successful interventions in different contexts around the world and the expertise of our team and our local partner, Indigo Côte d'Ivoire, will be pooled with the Ministry to provide concrete, endogenous and sustainable solutions to the various challenges to be addressed.

Read more about Interpeace in Côte d'Ivoire Cliquez ici.